Cultural Information: Planet Varathusia

Varathusia is the planet of origin of the Carpathian Organisation.  The most powerful Carpathian families dictate the law.  Strict adherence to the Carpathian Circle of Justice is always expected, and any transgressors are summarily executed.  Fierce feuds between rival families are commonplace.  Varathusians tend to make good business people and devious politicians.  Generally, they have little interest in external affairs, although their Rules of External Alliance open the way for some off-world agreements.  Carpathians claim to have little tolerance for sorcerers, although some families retain sorcerers to carry out covert operations.  Their alliance with the Vyrdigaan Order of Sorcerers is shrouded in mystery and often denied.

Besides the Carpathians, there are several other races:

  • Varagans — a former warrior race who have evolved into commercial business traders.
  • Gypsy Varagans — another race who specialise in commercial business trading
  • Varahs — ordinary citizens who mainly work in the manufacturing, service and hospitality industries

The climate is hot throughout the entire planet.



Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan