
Jhastogars are specialised Varagan sorcerers dedicated to monitoring and investigating unregistered sorcerers throughout the Varago islands. Jhastogar means searcher in an ancient Varagan dialect. Their origin dates back to the era of the Qhlifat — the dictatorship system of governance prevalent in early Varagan history. Qhlif Jhabnit Vhralyet considered any sorcerers not employed by the Qhlifat to be enemies. Thus he commissioned the jhastogar guilds to hunt and kill such sorcerers. After the abolition of the Qhlifat, the Consensus of Lords devised the registration system for sorcerers and employed the jhastogars to track unregistered Varagan sorcerers via their energy signatures and capture them. Over the centuries they perfected their skills and refined their methods. They learned from the priesthood how to bind a sorcerer’s powers and this is their most common method of dealing with offenders. The guilds purport to be separate and d...