Character Profile: Lord Sylvio Cesario

Image of Lord Sylvio Cesario made using NightCafe AI image generator

Image of Lord Sylvio Cesario made using NightCafe AI image generator

Name: Lord Sylvio Cesario

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Tall slim build.  Light beige skin, due to living underground for many decades.  Long white hair and beard.  Gaunt facial features.  Prefers wearing robes and soft slippers or sandals.  Will only wear suits on formal occasions.

Personality: Quietly spoken and cautious.  Highly intelligent but modest about his achievements.  Kind and courteous.  His formal manner of speech and behaviour come from living most of his life among Malvanians.

Family: Direct descendant of the Warrior God Martius, through the Entrevi and Cesario families.  Parentage unknown.

Abilities: Superb memory, especially concerning ancient history.  Excellent organisational skills.  Adequate sorcery skills.

Strengths: Patience, determination and endurance.  Good leadership skills.

Weaknesses: Not physically strong.  Suffers poor health.  Unaccustomed to mixing socially due to living a life of isolation in exile.

Likes: Research, especially in the fields of history, law and politics.  Prefers quieter times among his books and conversations with fellow academics.

Dislikes: Crowds, noisy environments, any form of abuse or injustice.


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