Feeder Priest

The Varagan branch of the Order of Varagord includes the obscure subset known as feeder priests. As the name suggests, they are responsible for procuring and preparing the special sacred food which Varagans use in some of their religious rituals and mystical healing techniques. They are sworn never to reveal the secret procedures involved in preparing the special food.
Feeder priests undergo additional specialised training in which they learn how to prepare the special food and how to conduct the sacred rituals. All feeder priests train as healers. Many of them study psychology and counselling to help them understand the needs of their petitioners.
Alongside their regular priestly duties, they provide the following services:
- Feeding bed-slaves (concubines) and guild prostitutes, helping them to gain weight in a healthy way and acquire the voluptuous figures which are prized in Varagan society.
- Assisting sportsmen and women with gaining healthy muscle bulk and increasing strength and stamina.
- Helping with fertility issues and childbirth.
- Curing addictions and phobias, usually involving what is known as a banishing ceremony.
Feeder priests have the right to charge fees for providing individual services. Most of them have a flexible attitude towards collecting their fees, depending upon circumstances and the petitioner’s financial status. Some of them do outreach work to help the poor and the homeless.
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