Character Profile: Sidwyk Vordern

Name: Sidwyk Vordern

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Heavy build, carrying excess weight.  Pale skin, long white hair, usually worn in a tail.  Long white forked beard.  Wears oval eyeglasses in metal frames.  Dresses in traditional professorial tweed suits when going out, and scruffy old clothes when staying at home.  Formerly a teacher of science, now retired.  In his late sixties or early seventies.

Personality: Kindly, eccentric.  Very sharp analytical mind and keen sense of humour.  Jovial and good-natured, rarely gets angry.

Family: Blood relatives unknown.  In a relationship with Sharleen Guthrie, one of his former students.

Strengths: Good academic and scientific knowledge.  Very caring and protective.  Good people skills.

Weaknesses: Slow moving, unfit, not much of a fighter.

Likes: Sharleen, doing scientific research, travelling, visiting museums and other places of interest.

Dislikes: Physical activity, anyone who thinks the worst of him for loving a girl so much younger than himself.  Rails against social injustice and bullying. 



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