Character Profile: Sharleen Guthrie

Image of Sharleen Guthrie made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Sharleen Guthrie

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Short and very thin.  Pale skin and long sandy-brown hair.  Wears mismatched outfits, for example, a green and orange striped sweater with a dark brown tweed skirt and red knee-length woollen socks.

Personality: Highly intelligent, a lot on the nerdy side.  Loves learning new things, especially to do with science, maths and languages.  She seems older than her years, having had to look after the household and help her brothers with their schoolwork.  Excitable and enthusiastic, but also realistic.

Family: Older sister, Branwen, older brother, Keith, younger brother, Diarmit.  She is in a relationship with a much older man, Sidwyk Vordern, who used to be her science teacher at school, until he retired.

Strengths: Cheerful, determined, resourceful.  Can think outside the box.  Also very practical by nature.

Weaknesses: Not physically strong, not much of a fighter.

Likes: Sidwyk, studying, flying, doing acrobatics, helping people in need.

Dislikes: Bullying, social injustice, anyone who criticises her for loving a much older man.



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