Character Profile: Rychmaal Thirkelssen

Image of  Rychmaal Thirkelssen made using Tengr AI art generator

Name: Rychmaal Thirkelssen

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall, thin build, very pale skin, white wavy shoulder-length hair, usually worn loose.  Dresses in black robes.

Personality: Studious but not overly strict.  Motherly and protective.  More unconventional than her outward appearance suggests.  Vicious sense of humour at times.  Much loved by her students (she is a teacher of mathematics and sacred geometry at the Beryk enclave).

Family: She is a single mother, never married, but has casual relationships with two other sorcerers.  Has one daughter and several grandchildren.

Strengths: Intelligent, intuitive, inspirational, compassionate.

Weaknesses: Over-indulges in alcohol and recreational drugs at times.

Likes: Her lovers, her students, cooking, painting, going out in the countryside.

Dislikes: Excessive strictness, unnecessary rules, injustice, cruelty.



  1. Ahh Xanxa, she's lovely. So impressed with the detail you create about each character and the super portrayals, both visual and wordy. Great work!


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