Character Profile: Gyul Khrychyt

Image of Gyul Khrychyt made using NightCafe AI image generator

Name: Gyul Khrychyt

Origin: Half-Malvanian, half-Yttrian

Appearance: Tall, thin build.  Pale skin, pale grey eyes and white hair, shaved at the sides, but long on top and at the back.  Wears a dark grey business suit when working, grey robes when relaxing.  Appears to be around fifty years old.

Personality: Calm, stoical, rarely displays any discernible emotions.  Astute businessman, devious game-player.

Family: Unknown.  It is rumoured that his father originally came from one of the Malvanian sorcerers’ enclaves.

Strengths: Highly intelligent, good at reading people (rumoured to have telepathy and empathy skills), very adaptable to different situations.

Weaknesses: Motivated by greed and ego, lacks compassion. Has a cruel streak.

Likes: Material wealth, good social standing.

Dislikes: Anything which harms his reputation or causes him to lose out on making a profit.


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