Cultural Information: Gadjhim Varagans

There are four different and distinct cultures on Varathusia Varahs, Gadjhim Varagans, Gypsy Varagans and Carpathians.  Because of this, it is more difficult to quantify and categorise them.  In bygone times, each civilisation kept to its own cultural traditions but in the modern era, the differences have become less obvious.

Gadjhim Varagans

The term gadjhi (plural: gadjhim) comes from the gypsy variants of Varagan language.  It means “outsider” or “foreigner”.  In this context, it is used to denote the difference between gypsy and non-gypsy Varagans.

Physical Appearance: Most Varagans have medium brown complexions, dark hair and dark eyes.  They tend to be tall and heavy in build and they are fond of piercings, especially on the face.  They also go in for elaborate tattoos.  Varagans prefer very long hair in a variety of styles such as tails, braids or snakelocks.  Most males grow facial hair as soon as they are able to do so.  Long sweeping moustaches are popular.  Men tend to go around bare-chested or only wear light vests or waistcoats, while women wear vests or blouses.  All Varagans favour baggy trousers and sandals.  Gender-fluid Varagans like to change their appearance and often experiment with different looks.

Society: Varagans are libertarian by nature and have few rules.  Most behaviour is tolerated as long as it is consensual.  There is an informal committee known as the Consensus of Lords which will mediate in disputes when requested.  The only rules they enforce on a regular basis are those relating to the practice of sorcery.  To that end, they employ specialist sorcerers known as jhastogars to monitor sorcerous activities and ensure that only registered male sorcerers and apprentices practise them.

Lifestyle: Most Varagans are openly bisexual and promiscuous by nature.  Their society is male-dominated and they do not marry.  They have no words in their language for relatives other than parents or siblings.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives are recognised as being related via another branch of the family.  Cousins are sometimes referred to as siblings if they have close relationships with each other.  Although they keep slaves, they make no distinction between their family, their employees and their slaves.  Likewise, family and business interests are intermingled.  Men own every person in their household.  Daughters are expected to entertain guests, including sexual favours.  It is an honour for a Varagan daughter to be sold by her father.  Varagans are extremely loving and generous and it is rare for an employee or slave to be treated badly.  Business ownership and materialistic wealth is of great importance to them.  They are often extravagant in their ways, displaying their wealth by wearing expensive jewellery, living in luxurious mansions and driving high-performance vehicles.

Beliefs: Varagans worship Varagord, the God of Wisdom, and Minestria, the Goddess of Sorcery.  They value the acquisition of knowledge but they are less politically motivated than the Carpathians.

Art and Culture: Varagans are like Sartorians in their enjoyment of everything physical.  Even a basic conversation is conducted with many hand-gestures and Varagans frequently touch each other on the arm when speaking.  Again, freedom of expression is vitally important.  Their sense of humour is extremely crude.  This is reflected in all their forms of art and entertainment.  Like Carpathians, they are aggressively materialistic.  Competitive sports such as martial arts contests, weight-lifting, swimming and team games are very popular.  They also love dancing and games of strategy.


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