Szandyr Pyrssen is Malvanian, but has Carpathian heritage from a previous generation of his family. He works as a fencing instructor and espionage tutor for the mysterious Ghryxaarti secret society. He is cheerful and friendly as well as being sly and devious. He looks quite fragile but has great strength and agility.
Malvanian Agrimage Cornelyuus Helvellyan is the husband of Agnylda Helvellyan and father to Caratacuus Helvellyan. He is an absentee father, spending most of his time at his job, using his Agrimage skills to control weather and make crops grow. He avoids troublesome family issues and prefers to immerse himself in his work.
Master Larcener Gaade Draebyr is a Malvanian career criminal who specialises in petty and grand thefts. He takes great care to hide his sorcery skills and is generally extremely guarded and secretive about his origins. In reality, he is far different than his carefully cultivated persona would suggest.
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