Cultural Information: Varahs

There are four different and distinct cultures on Varathusia — Varahs, Gadjhim Varagans, Gypsy Varagans and Carpathians. Because of this, it is more difficult to quantify and categorise them. In bygone times, each civilisation kept to its own cultural traditions but in the modern era, the differences have become less obvious. Varahs Physical Appearance : There is a great deal of variation in height and build, but most Varahs have tanned complexions, dark hair and dark eyes. They do not stick to any specific hairstyles or types of clothing. They tend to be utilitarian and practical in their appearance and take little interest in following fashion trends. Society : Varahs have their own law enforcement system which is more consistent than the Carpathian one. They disapprove of bribes and the use of Truth-testers. They also view Carpathian families and alliances with disdain, often disparaging them as organised crime syndicates. Li...