Cultural Information: Malvanians

Physical Appearance : Most Malvanians are tall and slender in build. They all have pale skins and their eye colour tends to be pale blue, pale green or grey. Like the Mondians, they have ridges above their eyebrows. Their hair is either white or blue-black and is traditionally worn long, either loose or bound back in a tail, depending on personal preference. Their facial features are very delicate and to a non-Malvanian, they do not appear to have much variation in their facial expressions. There is little variation in Malvanian clothing. Mostly it consists of tunics and leggings in pastel colours for both genders. Priests and academics prefer to wear long robes over their tunics and leggings. Heavy coats are a necessity for going outdoors, particularly in the extremely cold Northern region. The coats are usually made of wool or fur and in neutral shades. Society : Malvanians have strict and rigid standards of behaviour in p...