
The Uncularii, or High Council of Uncles, is the collective name for a specialist group of Vyrdigaan Order sorcerers charged with the duty of educating certain promising young people in the arts of sorcery and espionage.  One of their young protegés, Lord Lyandro Menehari (AKA Lyle), invented those collective names for them.

Aravind Kurak (AKA Aravind Fendor and Uncle Ari): A Malvanian Master Sorcerer from the esteemed Fendor family.  A specialist in the arts of espionage, with the honorary title Spy Master.

Nyraldin Cromarty (AKA Uncle Nye): A Malvanian Master Sorcerer and martial arts specialist.


Ariadne Corvyn: A Malvanian Master Sorceress, specialising in martial arts, costuming and disguises.

Lord Tiberio Claudio Scalani (AKA Claude Hawkins, Claude Scalani and Uncle Claude): Last of the Atlanteans, along with his twin brother Emlyn.  Born to a surrogate Carpathian mother and brought up as a Carpathian. Specialises in history, law, politics, religion and espionage.

Emlyn Hawkins: Last of the Atlanteans, along with his twin brother Claude.  Rescued by Vyrdigaan Order operatives shortly before the world of Atlantis was destroyed by unknown invaders.  Brought up as a Malvanian.  Specialises in healing, general alchemy and personal alchemy.



Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan