Character Profile: Lady Mazia Modjian-Cesario

Image of Mazia made using Nightcafe AI image generator

Image of Mazia made using Artflow AI image generator

Image of Mazia made using Starry AI image generator

Name: Lady Mazia Karina Alana Modjian-Cesario (AKA Malia Mirenjan)

Origin: Carpathian and Varagan

Appearance: Short stature, plump build, light brown skin-tone, greying hair done in intricate braided pattern, but often wears a headscarf.  Prefers to wear shapeless robes in neutral colours.  She is a shapeshifter so can take more or less any form, including inanimate objects.

Personality: Often plays dumber than she really is.  Spouts apparent nonsense and speaks in riddles.  Very manipulative, influences events and memories.  Wicked sense of humour and is fond of teasing people.

Family: Lord Andreas Cesario is her grandfather.  Lady Anwyn Menehari-Cesario is her grandmother.  Her mother is their eldest daughter, Lady Mahalia Cesario, and her father is Lord Karim Modjian, a Varagan.

Abilities: She is a Chronomage, which means that she can control time.  She can change events and implant false memories.  She can also nudge people in the right direction so that they make the best of themselves. She is also a shapeshifter.

Strengths: Good grasp of politics, culture, psychology.

Weaknesses: Anything to do with her family.

Likes: Posing as a herbalist or fairground fortune teller, smoking a pipe, talking in riddles.

Dislikes: Narrow-minded people, abusers, dictators.


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