Ghryxaarti Designations

This list has been compiled for the reader’s ease of reference.  It contains the code-names used by the Ghryxaarti in the course of the novel The Donovan Destiny and the given or chosen names of each person, along with any other identifying details, where known.  Some information has been withheld by mandate of the Vyrdigaan Order and the Ghryxaarti.

Ayzveeni 129 — Invigilator and Vyagei, name unknown

Ayzveeni 277 — Intervener and lawyer, Thrynn Larsen

Ayzveeni 308 — Intervener, name unknown

Ayzveeni 512 — Intervener, name unknown

Ayzveeni 566 — name unknown

Khruustyn 191 — Invigilator and Chief Accountant, name unknown

Khruustyn 311 — name unknown

Khruustyn 567 — Vaarhyni Tabor (other information withheld)

Luurmyd 188 — Fhadre Cuthbyrt Vespyrssen, Priest of the Order of Malvanis

Luurmyd 358 — Language teacher, name unknown

Luurmyd 361 — Artisan, name unknown

Nevoryl 29 — Mhadre Aestyr Ghadwyllyn, High Priestess of the Order of Lilith

Nevoryl 196 — Intervener and fencing instructor, Szandyr Pyrssen

Nevoryl 570 — Valeska Ostbyrg (other information withheld)

Pyndaari 118 — name unknown

Pyndaari 424 — Intervener, Chronomage and maths teacher, Yrmuuska Kyraalyt

Pyndaari 543 — name unknown

Pyndaari 547 — name unknown

Pyndaari 550 — name unknown

Pyndaari 552 — Caratacuus Helvellyan (other information withheld)

Pyndaari 635 — Ryaah Helvellyan (other information withheld)

Tzetzwaari 200 — name unknown

Tzetzwaari 399 — Martial arts instructor, name unknown

Tzetzwaari 401 — Intervener, name unknown

Tzetzwaari 476 — Intervener, name unknown

Zylaaznyk 205 — Intervener, teacher, Aaryn Dharbynyan

Zylaaznyk 614 — name unknown


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan