Character Profile: Glitch

Image of Glitch made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Thyra Arnyssen (Prefers to be called Glitch)

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall and slim with pale skin.  Bright blue eyes.  Wears wire-framed eyeglasses.  White hair cropped short and spiky on top, with a braided fringe at the front and matching braided tails at the back.  Wears non-descript utilitarian clothing.  Cultivates an androgynous appearance.

Personality: Possesses natural intelligence.  Displays the typical streetwise wariness of most thieves.  Cheerful and playful with people she likes.  Guarded and suspicious of everyone else.

Family: Mother Dotylda Arnyssen, owner of Dotylda’s Den brothel.  Father was one of her clients, name unknown.

Abilities: Expert thief and confidence trickster.  Good survival skills and street fighting skills.

Strengths: Physically strong and very agile.  A fast learner.

Weaknesses: Not as knowledgeable as she likes to make out.  Overly sensitive about her past.

Likes: Fechayr (regards him as a father figure), her fellow thieves and her work as a thief.  Enjoys learning new things, especially to do with technology.

Dislikes: Wealthy privileged people


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