Character Profile: Fechayr

Image of Fechayr made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of Fechayr made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Hennady Wasyrovitch Turgenev (Prefers to be called Fechayr)

Origin: Mondian (Genetically altered to resemble a Malvanian.  Prefers to identify as Malvanian)

Appearance: Tall and gaunt.  Pale skin and pale blue eyes.  Hooked nose and unnaturally pointed chin as a result of an incompetent face-changing procedure.  Straggly white shoulder-length hair.  Wears a mixture of utilitarian clothing and priestly robes.  Often has his hood up to cover his face.

Personality: Guarded and suspicious.  Can seem abrasive and aloof, especially towards outsiders.  Bitter and cynical with a biting wit.  Protective and fatherly towards the younger thieves in his district.

Family: A product of the Cyad Confederacy, he was created from genetic samples and brought up without knowing his biological parents.

Abilities: Expert thief and confidence trickster.  Good leadership qualities.  Well-educated and knowledgeable on multiple topics.

Strengths: Good at reading and motivating people.  Possesses protective instincts.

Weaknesses: Poor health.  Lacks physical strength and stamina.

Likes: Recruiting and training new thieves, improving conditions for underprivileged people.  Takes a particular interest in literature, history and politics.

Dislikes: The Cyad Confederacy and most authority figures, social inequality and unfair distribution of wealth.


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