Character Profile: Dorys Malkardian

Image of Dorys Malkardian made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Dorys Malkardian

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall and broad with pale skin.  Keeps her head shaved bald.  Wears old-fashioned square-framed eyeglasses which she doesn’t need for vision correction.  When conducting Truth-testings, she wears the traditional midnight-blue silk robes of her profession.  At leisure she wears comfortable tunics and leggings.

Personality: Harsh and abrasive, especially when conducting Truth-testings.  Stoical and practical-minded.  Devious agile brain.  Caring and protective towards those she loves.

Family: The esteemed Malkardian family.  She rarely speaks of them.

Abilities: Her Vyagite crystal bond allows her the gift of prophecy and enables her to discern truth from lies without a mind-merge.  Skilled sorcerer and Truth-Tester, with excellent knowledge of the law.

Strengths: Good at reading people.  Strong protective instincts.  Keen sense of justice.  Devoted to her professional career as a Truth Tester for the Malvanian Judiciary Council.  An accomplished raconteuse who likes to enthral and shock people with lurid tales of her conquests and adventures.

Weaknesses: Has a tendency to over-indulge on food, alcohol and recreational drugs.  Often becomes attracted to unsuitable or incompatible lovers, even when her sense of logic tells her she is making a mistake.

Likes: Her work, travelling, socialising, cooking and entertaining.  Enjoys intimidating suspects in the courtroom.

Dislikes: Injustice, intolerance, prejudice and cruelty.  Cannot abide time-wasters.


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