Character Profile: Aklyzyt Brydryn

Image of Aklyzyt Brydryn made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Aklyzyt Brydryn (Ghryxaarti Founder)

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Short and plump build.  Pale skin.  Totally bald due to hypotrychosis.  Both legs amputated above the knee due to climbing accident when younger.  Wears the trademark light grey robes of the Ghryxaarti.

Personality: Cheerful, loving and nurturing towards his fellow Ghryxaarti members.  Secretive and enigmatic towards everyone else.  Devious agile mind.  Keen political game-player.  Sharp wit and biting sense of humour.

Family: Unknown.

Abilities: Master-level sorcery, specialising in Chronomancy, crystal theory, alchemy and casting illusions.

Strengths: Skilled at strategy, politics, law and history.  Excellent at reading people.  Can be extremely persuasive.  Engaging raconteur.

Weaknesses: Succumbs to bouts of melancholy and self-doubt.  Has a tendency to blame himself when Ghryxaarti missions go wrong and his people suffer accidents or injuries.

Likes: Recruiting and training new members, building his empire and working to maintain balance within the Fenian Galaxy.  Enjoys exchanging witty repartee with fellow Ghryxaarti members.

Dislikes: Injustice, intolerance, inequality and prejudice.


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