Character Profile: Aestyr Ghadwyllyn

Image of Aestyr Ghadwyllyn made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Aestyr Ghadwyllyn (Ghryxaarti designation: Nevoryl 29)

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Short stature, slender build, pale skin.  Long blue-black hair.  Has a permanent stripe of black ink across her face at eye level, denoting her status as a priestess of Lilith, Goddess of Darkness.  Her lips have had similar treatment, making them permanently black.  Wears black silk robes and often goes about veiled.

Personality: Kind and nurturing.  Has a playful sense of humour.  Cultivates a dramatic flair in the way she presents herself.

Family: Unknown.

Abilities: Master level sorcery.  Skilled at manipulating shadows and can even adapt them to use as weapons if necessary.  Expert at illusion-based sorcery.

Strengths: Her sorcery skills and her connection to the Goddess of Darkness.  Compelling oratory techniques and good people management skills.  Hundreds of years of life experience aid her in counselling distressed people.

Weaknesses: Has a tendency to be melodramatic.  Her theatrics can become irritating.

Likes: Her duties as High Priestess of Lilith, teaching students, flying and practising her sorcery techniques.  Takes a keen interest in caring for creatures which live in darkness, especially flying creatures.

Dislikes: Misinformation being circulated about the Order of Lilith, the wrong assumption that Lilith is an evil deity.  Any form of prejudice will annoy her.


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