Character Profile: Aaryn Dharbynyan

Image of Aaryn Dharbynyan made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Aaryn Dharbynyan (Ghryxaarti designation: Zylaaznyk 205)

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall, slender build.  Pale skin, blue eyes and blue-painted lips.  Long white hair down to her ankles.  She usually wears the trademark light grey robes of the Ghryxaarti, unless she is disguised for an undercover mission.

Personality: Can appear cold and aloof at times.  Can also be persuasive and seductive.  She cultivates an aura of mystique and enigma.

Family: Unknown.

Abilities: Master-level sorcery, specialising in personal alchemy (shapeshifting) and casting illusions.  Skilled in combat and strategy.  Her Vyagite crystal bond allows her to read people without merging minds and gives her the ability to discern lies and truth.

Strengths: Extremely manipulative.  Uses her dazzling physical beauty to seduce and charm.  Excellent at reading people and coercing them to carry out her wishes.

Weaknesses: Arrogant to the point of obnoxious.  Has a ruthless cruel streak.

Likes: Teaching students and entertaining lovers, which can often overlap.  Enjoys teasing her students and setting tests for them.  Relishes her undercover missions.

Dislikes: Compliant students who don’t provide sufficient challenge for her.  Can’t stand being ignored or sidelined.


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