Character Profile: Mehmet Grorko

Image of Mehmet Grorko made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Mehmet Grorko (Holds the esteemed rank of Captain denoting his expertise as a martial arts practitioner and instructor)

Origin: Varagan

Appearance: Over seven spans tall.  Heavy muscular build.  Medium brown skin and dark eyes.  Facial piercings and tribal tattoos.  Long dark hair usually worn in a single braid.  Elaborate braided moustache and beard.  Wears utilitarian vest and leggings while teaching martial arts.  Goes naked in the desert.  Has a fondness for dressing in women’s clothing and wearing make-up when entertaining lovers and visiting nightclubs.

Personality: In public and when teaching students, he maintains a tough, no-nonsense demeanour.  In private, he is warm, loving and caring.  Not afraid of showing his emotions.

Family: Unknown.  Doesn’t talk about them.

Abilities: Skilled and renowned martial arts instructor.  Good tactician.  Excellent at reading people and knowing how to get the best out of his students.

Strengths: Physically strong with remarkable stamina.  Good at motivating people.

Weaknesses: Hopelessly sentimental in certain situations.  Can become melancholy at times.

Likes: Teaching martial arts, dancing, drinking and indulging in recreational drugs.  Enjoys hanging out with the Ohrivaal tribe in the desert.  Loves entertaining children.

Dislikes: Prejudice, intolerance and bullying.  Anyone who threatens those whom he cares about.


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