Baejaal: God of Lost Causes

Worship of Baejaal, the God of Lost Causes, is the last resort for the desperate and the despairing.  There has not been any priestly Order dedicated to him since ancient times.

In bygone eras, Baejaal was designated as the God of Dreams.  Dreams were believed to be a subconscious form of prayer.  The ancient Order of Baejaal was dedicated to sleep studies, deep trance meditation and the interpretation of dreams.  Little is known about this Order due to it being disbanded so long ago.  Any written records kept by the adherent priests and priestesses were lost or destroyed, along with any books and scrolls of scripture.

People also used to pray to Baejaal when they were awake, requesting him to grant their dearest wishes.  He would always answer those prayers, even when he refused to give people what they wished for.

On one occasion, he left a prayer unanswered.  The other deities scorned him and declared him an outcast.  His followers abandoned him.  The Order of Baejaal was disbanded and his temples were left to fall into ruin.

Thereafter, he became known as the God of Lost Causes.  He has no regular core of worshippers and no dedicated priests or priestesses.  The only people who make pilgrimages to his ruined temples are those with incurable diseases and those who wish to commit ritual suicide.

Qaelestyah and Vashni, the Goddesses of Air, took over the domain of dreams following Baejaal’s fall from grace.



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