Character Profile: Venkyt Ostbyrg

Image of Venkyt Osbyrg made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Venkyt Ostbyrg

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall and thin.  Pale skin.  Long white hair and small neat goatee.  Wears traditional black silk robes most of the time.  Dresses in more practical garments when going on expeditions.

Personality: Friendly, cheerful and optimistic.  Affectionate and open-minded.

Family: Parents unknown.  Divorced.  Has one daughter, Valeska, with whom he has a troubled relationship.

Abilities: Skilled sorcerer with good physical strength.  In-depth knowledge of history and geology.

Strengths: Good social skills.  Positive outlook.  Extremely loyal and dedicated.

Weaknesses: Takes risks with his personal safety, especially when going on expeditions.

Likes: Teaching students, conducting research, going on archaeological expeditions.

Dislikes: Prejudice and intolerance.  Cannot abide his ex-wife and avoids her whenever possible.


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