Character Profile: Arthur Branagh


Image of Arthur Branagh created using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Arthur Branagh

Origin: Viria

Appearance: Medium height, broad stocky build.  Pale skin, green eyes, dark curly shoulder length hair.  Prefers casual clothing.  Later he acquires the habit dressing Varagan style in vests and baggy trousers.

Personality: Cheerful and carefree.  Playful with a good sense of humour.  Protective of his loved ones.

Family: Father Pherick Branagh, Mother Angharad Branagh, elder brother Braam and twin brother Andrew.  Later he married Denyta Probyt.

Abilities: Street-fighting and martial arts skills.

Strengths: Good level of physical fitness and stamina.  Hard working, loyal and dependable.

Weaknesses: Slow learner, needs a lot of encouragement.  Often doubts his abilities.  Lacks confidence.

Likes: Practising his martial arts, hanging out with his friends.  Enjoys sharing jokes.

Dislikes: Authority figures, being reminded of his shortcomings.  Feels uncomfortable at formal gatherings.





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