Character Profile: Andrew Branagh

Image of Andrew Branagh created using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Andrew Branagh

Origin: Viria

Appearance: Medium height, broad stocky build.  Pale skin, green eyes, dark curly collar length hair.  Wears casual clothing but likes to dress in a suit for special occasions.

Personality: Intense and sometimes brooding.  Tends to complain a lot.  Does enjoy a joke but has his limits.  Ambitious and determined.

Family: Father Pherick Branagh, Mother Angharad Branagh, elder brother Braam and twin brother Arthur.  Later he married Seonah Ritchie.

Abilities: Quick learner, picks things up easily.  Street-fighting and martial arts skills.

Strengths: Good grasp of politics and social structure.  Strong and physically fit.

Weaknesses: Can be pessimistic and passive-aggressive.  Sulks when things don’t go right for him.  Has a tendency to give up at the first hurdle.  Often believes he is being sidelined when that isn’t the case.

Likes: Learning new things, impressing the women, furthering his ambitions, playing computer games.

Dislikes: Authority figures, failing to achieve his personal goals, failing to impress a woman, being excluded.





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