Character Profile: Parsivaal Probyt

Image of older Parsivaal Probyt made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of adult Parsivaal Probyt during his teaching career made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of younger Parsivaal Probyt made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Parsivaal Probyt

Origin: Malvanian (related to the Geheimsvaak on his father’s side)

Appearance: Tall and thin, with pale skin and long white wavy hair which he never brushes, therefore it is a mess of matted tangles.  Prefers wearing a shabby patchwork robe and goes around barefoot most of the time.

Personality: Cheerful, friendly, helpful.  Wildly eccentric, sometimes not making much sense.  Cares little for appearances.  Can be very unconventional in his ways.

Family: Mother Ghenlys Probyt, Father Panitzin of the Geheimsvaak.  Large extended family, including the Geheimsvaak side.  First wife Kazli (deceased) and their son Khryzad (deceased).  Adopted daughter Denyta.  Later on in life he marries Lady Suriah Edeeshah Alana Menehari-Cesario (AKA Suri Probyt), youngest daughter of Anwyn and Andreas, which brings him into the vast extended Ohrivaal/Menehari/Cesario/Halloran family grouping.  Suri is several decades younger than him, but they are extremely well-suited since they have so much in common.

Strengths: Master Sorcerer, specialising in illusions, personal alchemy, mathematics and sacred geometry.  Skilled at making and breaking codes, picking locks.  Good judge of character.  Still reasonably strong, despite his great age.  Can fight but prefers to find peaceful solutions.

Weaknesses: Has a tendency to dither and go off-topic.  Tries to see the good in everyone.

Likes: Family, running his junk shop (the Miscellanium), collecting odd items that no-one else wants, teaching students, visiting the swamplands and the desert, reading and studying ancient books and scrolls.

Dislikes: Brushing his hair, saunas, being clean (all due to childhood trauma), vain and arrogant people, prejudice, intolerance.


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