Character Profile: Dhradze

Image of Dhradze made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Dhradze

Origin: Malvanian (Geheimsvaak, AKA Secret People)

Appearance: Tall, slender, elderly but still attractive.  Very long white hair, worn loose and ungroomed.  In her home forest, she goes about naked, covered in grey swamp mud from head to foot, including her hair and face.  For going outside her forest, she wears a plain grey robe over the mud.

Personality: Feisty, fiercely protective of her vast extended family.  Caring but won't suffer fools.  No-nonsense, practical.

Family: Vast extended family.  In her culture, people marry more than one partner.  She has two husbands.  There was another, who passed away some years ago.  She has many children and grandchildren.

Strengths: Master Sorceress.  Shapeshifter (though she rarely shifts).  Tendency towards alchemy and natural magic.  Has affinity with nature.

Weaknesses: Prejudiced against the "clean-skins" (people who live in towns or cities and don't cover themselves in mud).

Likes: Teaching her grandchildren, telling stories, making love, bathing in mud, eating mud.

Dislikes: Clean-skins, towns, cities, technology, anything mechanical or electronic.



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