Character Profile: Denyta Probyt

Image of Denyta Probyt made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Denyta Probyt (original birth name Deneen Carmody)

Origin: Viria

Appearance: Short stature, wiry muscular build.  Pale skin, green eyes and dark brown shoulder length hair.  Prefers wearing utilitarian clothing.

Personality: Feisty and defensive.  Prickly and suspicious.  Cynical and bitter.  Has a friendly side but only shows it to a select few.

Family: The traditional Northern Virian Carmody clan.  Her parents were killed in a clan fight.  She was brought up by her aunt and uncle but ran away from them because they planned to sell her to a pleasure guild.  At eight years old, she was adopted by Parsivaal Probyt and took the name he gave her.  Considers Kvyrt Elygiak to be her adopted grandfather and Thaddeus Aguirez to be her adopted uncle.  Later, she married Arthur Branagh.

Abilities: Streetwise and resilient.  A quick learner with an agile mind.  Learned sorcery skills under the tutelage of Parsivaal Probyt and Kvyrt Elygiak.

Strengths: Resourcefulness, survival skills, street-fighting and martial arts skills.  Loyal and dependable.  Good stamina and physical fitness.

Weaknesses: Hot temper, quick to jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts.

Likes: Learning new things, martial arts practice, her sorcery studies, working in the bookshop, hanging out with the Branagh twins and the Vyzharan twins.  Enjoys cookery and loves experimenting with recipes.

Dislikes: Authority figures, her biological aunt and uncle, wearing dresses, people who make assumptions about her.


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