Character Profile: Caratacuus Helvellyan


Image of young child Caratacuus Helvellyan made using NightCafe AI image generator

Image of young adult Caratacuus Helvellyan made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of middle-aged Caratacuus Helvellyan made using NightCafe AI image generator

Image of older Caratacuus Helvellyan made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Caratacuus Helvellyan

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall, slim build, pale skin, pale grey eyes, long white hair.  He usually dresses in light grey robes which he makes himself.  Quietly spoken, with little variation in his tone of voice.  His facial expressions are subtle and hard to read.

Personality: Calm and endlessly patient.  Very diplomatic, rarely displays any noticeable emotions.  Very caring and nurturing.

Family: Mother Agnylda Helvellyan, Father Cornelyuus Helvellyan.  Grandmother Ryaah Bystrom.  He has one daughter, Ryaah Lemuel, and several grandchildren.  Later on in life he marries Avareen Fermanagh, who is younger than his daughter, via an arranged Carpathian marriage.

Strengths: Skilled sorcerer.  Expert in mathematics and sacred geometry.  Can fight when necessary but always seeks a diplomatic solution first.  Steady, reliable and dependable.

Weaknesses: Can seem distant and aloof.  Hard to read how he feels, since he rarely shows emotions.

Likes: Teaching students, spending time with his wife, daughter, son in law and grandchildren, designing and making clothes, embroidery, painting and meditation.

Dislikes: His peaceful way of life being disrupted.



  1. It is so cool, you have character pages... I should do that for my own books. Very neat! Well, written.

    1. Thanks. I originally wrote the character profiles as a memory aid to myself. Later I thought they might be of interest to readers as well.


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