Character Profile: Lord Andreas Cesario
Younger Version
Teenage Version in business attire, going about the city
Older Version disguised as a priest
Older Version disguised as a construction worker
Older Version in business attire, going about the city
Older Version in business attire, going about the city
Older Version in the Sartorian desert
Name: Lord Andreas Alano Cesario (Code Name: Chimera Obscura. Formerly known as Lord Andreas Alano Castiglioni)
Origin: Carpathian
Appearance: Short, thin slight build, light brown skin, waist length black hair, usually tied up with a piece of old bandage, long droopy moustache. Usually wears shabby checked suits with old brown sandals. Sometimes disguises himself as a beggar. Several tattoos, including a special one on his back.
Personality: Wildly eccentric and unpredictable. Sly, devious, wicked sense of humour, often self-depreciating. Changes subject abruptly in conversation. In private, he is a loving husband and father, devoted to his extended family.
Family: Direct descendant of the Warrior God Martius, through the Entrevi and Cesario families. Father Lord Adriano Castiglioni, Mother Lady Alana Cesario. Married to Lady Anwyn Lyandra Menehari-Cesario, has five children, two of whom he adopted.
Strengths: Spy Master, adept at breaking and entering, climbing, picking locks, setting explosives, administering poisons, computer hacking. Later he becomes an Ascended Master who can take mortal form when he chooses.
Weaknesses: Generous to a fault. Cannot walk past a beggar without giving money.
Likes: Making and breaking codes, picking locks, playing the flute, doing conjuring tricks, telling jokes, entertaining children.
Dislikes: Cruelty, slavery, injustice and intolerance. Anything or anyone threatening his extended family.
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