Truth Tester

The Truth Testers are a sub-division of the Vyageii/Imarii. (See entry on Sorcery Specialisms for further details).  They possess Vyagite crystal bonds and have the right to wear the midnight-blue robes.  All Vyageii/Imarii can mine a person’s deeper thoughts without the need for physical contact or mind-merges, but Truth Testers also receive specialised training, including learning non-invasive methods of divining the truth.

Truth Testers study psychology, biology and body language as well as the sorcerer’s arts.  Most of them go on to work within the Court systems.  They are tasked with interviewing witnesses and gathering evidence in preparation for a trial and they can also be called upon to attend at trial to examine petitioners, defendants and witnesses.

Not all Court systems within the Fenian Galaxy allow the use of Truth Testers.  Truth Testers are forbidden on Mondias and Yttria, with the exception of Yttria’s Khmamfrod Region.  They are also banned from the Varah Courts on Varathusia and in some Virian Courts.

Given that natural Vyagite bonds are rare in males, most Truth Testers are female.  Some artificially-bonded males train as Truth Testers, although their bonds tend to be weaker than natural ones and do not bestow the ability of prophetic visions.

The profession of Truth Tester is shrouded in mystery.  They are often shunned and feared.  The mere sight of someone in midnight-blue robes often instils panic.  Thus many of them only wear their robes while on duty and some even wear disguises in public to avoid being recognised.



Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan