Character Profile: Nyraldin Halloran

Image of younger Nyraldin Halloran made using NightCafe AI image generator

Older version of Nyraldin Halloran made using NightCafe AI image generator

Older version of Nyraldin Halloran made using a combination of NightCafe and Tengr AI image generators

Name: Nyraldin Halloran (prefers to be called Nye or Uncle Nye)

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Tall, muscular build, pale skin, intense green eyes, long red hair usually worn in braids and long red snakelocked beard.  Eccentric dresser, often wearing mismatched clothing in bright, clashing colours, rather than the traditional black robes worn by most sorcerers.

Personality: Friendly, cheerful, approachable.  Lively sense of humour.  Prefers to be a friend to his students as well as a teacher and mentor.

Family: Mother, Justeen Halloran, is a priestess of Scherza, Goddess of Wisdom.  Father Josiah Halloran, died when Nye was only a child.  Nye has a twin brother, Aravind, who is a Carpathian Spy Master.  Nye is married to Remyn Saavut and they have an adopted daughter, Yadzah, who is apprenticed to the desert shaman, Erroll Ohrivaal.

Strengths: Patience, friendliness, loving and caring nature.  Easy to talk to and very approachable.  Expert in shapeshifting and blood sorcery, as well as being skilled at martial arts.

Weaknesses: Can be too soft and over-indulgent with his students.  He lets his emotions rule him at times.

Likes: His family, living in the desert, teaching students, playing practical jokes, going out to nightclubs with Remyn.

Dislikes: Formal dressing, strictness, prejudice, intolerance, arguments and conflicts.



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