Character Profile: Lady Anwyn Menehari

Image of Lady Anwyn Menehari made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of Lady Anwyn Menehari made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of Lady Anwyn Menehari made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of Lady Anwyn Menehari made using Leonardo AI image generator

Name: Lady Anwyn Lyandra Menehari-Cesario (AKA Anni)

Origin: Carpathian and Sartorian

Character appearance: Short stature, medium build, muscular and wiry.  Medium-brown skin, long dark hair, dark eyes, wide mouth, slightly pointed chin.  Attractive in a fierce, untamed way. Lots of tattoos, including a special one on her back.

Personality: Can seem very intimidating.  Fiercely protective of her loved-ones.  Extremely passionate in everything she does.  Playful sense of humour and can be very caring and motherly.

Family: Large extended family.  Father Lord Lyandro Menehari, Mother, Matriarch Veveen Ohrivaal.  First marriage to Selonicus Linderies (deceased).  Married to second husband Lord Andreas Alano Cesario.  They have five children and many grandchildren.

Strengths: Sorcery (Vyrdigaan Master level), very skilled at martial arts.  A natural leader, experienced in politics, espionage and reading people.

Weaknesses: Gets homesick for the desert and hates leaving it for more than a few days at a time.  Very hot temper and sometimes has a cruel streak.

Likes: Her family, her work, her home in the desert, teaching new recruits.

Dislikes: Bullying, injustice, prejudice, wearing clothes, especially formal dressing.



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