Character Profile: Zuleiko Retnik


Image of Zuleiko Retnik made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Zuleiko Retnik

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall, thin, pale skin, pale grey eyes, shaved head.  Wears eyeglasses.  Dresses in formal black robes.

Personality: Seems dour and unapproachable but is in fact painfully shy.  Cares deeply about his students, even though he can be harsh on them at times.

Family: From the distinguished and ancient Retnik family.  He is in a relationship with Gydrhn Fendor, a teacher at one of the Virian temples.

Strengths: Extensive knowledge of languages, cultures and customs.

Weaknesses: His shyness, his undemonstrative nature, his tendency to be overly formal.

Likes: Gydrhn, teaching, meditating.

Dislikes: Social gatherings, loud people, anything or anyone disturbing his peace.


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