Character Profile: Gydrhn Fendor

Image of Gydrhn Fendor made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Gydrhn Fendor

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall and thin.  Pale complexion.  Keeps her head shaved bald.  Wears a monocle.  Prefers to dress in masculine styled suits.  Sometimes wears black sorcerer’s robes.

Personality: Quiet and dignified.  Can be assertive at times.  Very private person, reveals little about herself.  Has a wicked sense of humour, but only displays it around those closest to her.

Family:  From the esteemed Fendor family of sorcerers

Abilities: Skilled sorceress who excels in personal alchemy.  Very knowledgeable in academic and alchemic subjects.

Strengths: Sorcery skills, mathematical and geometrical theories, voice mimicking.

Weaknesses: Her guarded nature can make her appear aloof and unsympathetic.

Likes: Teaching, meditating, spending time with her life-partner, Zuleiko Retnik.

Dislikes: Dishonesty, violence, laziness and injustice.


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