Character Profile: Emlyn Hawkins

Image of Emlyn Hawkins made using NightCafe AI image generator

Image of Emlyn Hawkins made using NightCafe AI image generator

Image of Emlyn Hawkins made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Emlyn Hawkins

Origin: Atlantean (brought up as Malvanian)

Appearance: Wild bushy grey hair and beard, pale skin-tone.  Short stature, slightly overweight.  Prefers wearing old tweed suits.  Trademark garment is a tartan cape.

Personality: Friendly and approachable, though a little formal in his manners.  Good bedside manner (he is a healer!), willing to try new techniques.  Can be a ditherer at times.

Family: All killed in the destruction of his homeworld, with the exception of his twin brother, the infamous Carpathian lawyer, Lord Claudio Scalani.  Grew up in a sorcerers' enclave, didn't meet his brother until later in life.

Abilities: Various healing skills including faith healing, herb-lore and sorcery healing.  Also skilled in shapeshifting and alchemy.  A very knowledgeable scientist and archivist.

Strengths: Has lived several lifetimes so recognises patterns in society.  A skilled psychologist.

Weaknesses: Tends to overlook people's faults, can be a ditherer.

Likes: Spending hours (or even days!) cataloguing and archiving ancient artefacts or conducting scientific experiments.  Fond of making his students spend hours doing similar.

Dislikes: Injustice, political manoeuvring, poverty, inequality.


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