Character Profile: Malachi Shanahan


Image of older Malachi Shanahan made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of older Malachi Shanahan in prison made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of younger Malachi Shanahan made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Malachi Darius Shanahan

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Medium height and build.  Pale skin and green eyes.  Dark brown shoulder length hair and bushy beard.  For work and formal occasions, he wears old-fashioned suits with frilled shirts and lace cravats.  At leisure, he wears utilitarian tunics and leggings.

Personality: Deep thinker, quietly spoken.  Guarded but not shy.  Fiercely protective of those he cares about.

Family: Father Levene Shanahan, Mother Darien Shanahan.  Two sisters, Rayleen and Devonia (both died young).  Later he marries Mary Verkhauten.  They have a daughter, Justeen, and a son, Elias.

Abilities: Good academic mind, vast knowledge of the Virian legal system.  Adept at martial arts and street-fighting.  Good survival skills.

Strengths: Physically strong.  Very determined.

Weaknesses: Hot temper and a tendency to be impulsive.  Prone to melancholy moods, especially concerning the loss of his sisters.

Likes: Family gatherings, helping disadvantaged people and protecting the vulnerable.  Enjoys flying, fishing and walking in the countryside.

Dislikes: Injustice, intolerance, bullying and manipulation.


Favoured by the Gods

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