Character Profile: Justeen Shanahan

Image of younger Justeen Shanahan made using Tengr AI image generator.

Image of older Justeen Halloran made using Tengr AI image generator

Character name: Justeen Malacha Shanahan (Later becomes Halloran, then Ohrivaal.  Takes the name Scalani after being nominated as their Matriarch in waiting)

Origin: Virian

Character appearance: Short stature, slight build.  Pale skin and unusual maroon eyes (due to her natural Elediyaan crystal bond).  She keeps her head shaved and she has a tattoo of a green serpent on one side of her face, to cover a scar which she received in a duel.  In the desert, she goes around naked but wears black robes and a veil when carrying out her priestly duties.

Personality: Wise, but passionate.  Caring but can be ruthless.

Family: Father Malachi Shanahan, Mother Mary Verkhauten.  One brother, Elias.  First husband Josiah Halloran (murdered by terrorists), twin sons, Aravind (Ari) and Nyraldin (Nye).  Second husband, Erroll Ohrivaal, the Hastamage (shaman) of the Ohrivaal tribe.

Strengths: Skilled at martial arts and sorcery.  Good judge of character.  Caring and nurturing.  Her serpent symbiont gives her added physical strength and stamina.

Weaknesses: Hot-tempered.  Still traumatised from losing her first husband but hides it most of the time.

Likes: Her family, the desert, her priestly duties, dancing, meditating.

Dislikes: Prejudice, bullying, injustice




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