Character Profile: Elias Shanahan


Image of older Elias Shanahan made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of younger Elias Shanahan made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Elias Maron Shanahan

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Medium height, muscular build.  Gains excess weight as an adult.  Pale skin and green eyes.  Dark brown shoulder length hair.  Grows a moustache as a young adult.  Wears black sorcerer’s robes when younger.  Develops a liking for Carpathian suits in his early teens.  Also enjoys disguises, especially dressing as a beggar.

Personality: Cheerful and enthusiastic when younger.  Becomes more jaded and cynical as he grows older.

Family: Father Malachi Shanahan, Mother Mary Verkhauten.  One sister, Justeen.  Later he married Emori Ohrivaal and they had one son, Joe.

Abilities: Expert climber when younger.  Excels at physical activities like sports and dancing.  Acquires good espionage skills.  After being implanted with artificial crystal bonds, he learns sorcery skills.

Strengths: Physically strong.  Fast learner.

Weaknesses: Struggled with academic subjects at school.  Has a tendency to be lazy and passive, especially when he gets older.  A failed mission made him lose confidence and led him to give up his espionage career.

Likes: Competitive sports, especially climbing and martial arts (when younger).  As an adult, he enjoyed espionage work but gave up after the failed mission.  During his self-imposed retirement, he spends most of his time with family and friends in the desert, chatting and indulging in recreational drugs.

Dislikes: Academic subjects.  Complains when asked to do errands by his wife.  Has a deep-seated mistrust of Varagans, exacerbated by a bad experience with a feeder priest.




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