Character Profile: Lord Lyandro (Lyle) Menehari


Image of older Lyle Menehari made using Leonardo AI

Image of older Lyle Menehari in the desert made using Starry AI image generator

Image of older Lyle Menehari in the Temple theatre made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of older Lyle Menehari wearing black sorcerer's robes made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of older Lyle Menehari disguised as a labourer made using Leonardo AI image generator

Image of older Lyle Menehari in business attire made using Leonardo AI image generator

Image of younger Lyle Menehari made using NightCafe AI image generator

Name: Lord Lyandro Jordiano Menehari (Prefers to be called Lyle or Uncle Lyle.  He has several other aliases too)

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Fairly tall, muscular build, tanned skin, long dark hair often worn in a tail, but sometimes loose.  Lots of tattoos on his arms, chest and back.  Dark eyes, wide mouth, pointed chin covered in stubble.  Prefers casual clothing like a vest and jeans, but will dress formally in a suit or sorcerer’s robes when required.  In the desert, he wears nothing.

Personality: Jovial, very talkative, extremely generous, has a flair for the dramatic (he teaches drama and literature), can be mocking and teasing at times.  Calls everyone “darling” or “babe”, regardless of age, gender, etc.  He even addresses his students in this manner.  Arrogant and boastful, but cares deeply about his loved ones and his students.

Family: The esteemed Menehari Family, one of the higher ranking Carpathian families, part of the Inner Circle of the Carpathian Way.  Married to Veveen Ohrivaal, has one daughter, Lady Anwyn, plus he is stepfather to Veveen’s children (now adults) by her previous husband.  Previously married to Darleen Ingrao (now divorced) and Rayleen Shanahan (now deceased).

Strengths: Physically very strong.  Keen practitioner of martial arts.  Very experienced in Carpathian politics, law, espionage and psychology.  Has some knowledge of hacking, but nowhere near Andreas’s standard.  Also a Vyrdigaan Master Sorcerer, although he came to his powers later on in life.  Can shapeshift, fly and turn himself into various substances like wood, metal, glass, etc.  Has previously worked as a spy and assassin, now semi-retired, only coming out of retirement in emergencies.  Runs the Inner Circle Alliance in Claude Scalani’s absence.

Weaknesses: Can be overbearing and arrogant at times, even to the point of being obnoxious.

Likes: His family, his work, literature, drama, martial arts, recreational drugs, high-performance cars, the desert.

Dislikes: Threats to his extended family, cold temperatures, people who judge by appearances.


  1. I suspect he and Eunaela would get along great (unless they went to the desert - I'm not sure what she'd think about the wearing nothing bit) and have great rows (high volume, high drama, possibly low content, just for the fun of it. I've copied your text to use as a framework. If I get my proofing done today, I'll do Eunaela.

    1. Lyle loves making new friends. He also loves a good argument, as evidenced by his relationship with his first wife, Darleen. In "The Window Man", they had some epic verbal battles which were great fun to write. I find making these profiles helpful for continuity purposes, which is why I first started making them. Then I decided to put them to another use instead of having them sit around on my computer doing nothing. Thus, I'm sharing them publicly and it provides me with ample new material for my blog. I look forward to seeing your character sheets.


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