Character Profile: Mustapha Morphew

Image of older Mustapha Morphew made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of younger Mustapha Morphew made using Leonardo AI.

Name: Mustapha Morphew

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Medium height, stocky build.  Pale skin, unruly grey hair and beard.  Prefers wearing old clothing and is particularly fond of his ancient greatcoat.

Personality: Can seem gruff at first.  Friendly to those he knows well.  Cheerful, helpful and resourceful.  Enjoys social gatherings.

Family: From one of the ancient Northern travelling clans.  Father Euthagius Morphew, Mother Leyorah Morphew.  Brothers: Meredigh and Fermanagh.  Sisters: Shannan, Collette and Tamarah.  Remained unmarried for most of his life until he met widow Maureen Ardglass.

Abilities: Street-fighting and survival techniques.  Can play the violin and sing.  Good at reading people.

Strengths: Physically strong with good stamina.  Cunning and resourceful.  Protective of those he cares about.

Weaknesses: Over-indulgence in alcohol and recreational drugs.  A tendency to become melancholy.

Likes: Travelling, fighting, social gatherings, drinking, smoking, playing his violin and dancing.

Dislikes: Authority figures, snobbery, prejudice, formal dressing and having to stick to rigid routines.



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