Character Profile: Sheraleen Conder (AKA Sheraleen Donovan)

Image of younger Sheraleen Conder made using NightCafe AI image generator

Image of older Sheraleen Donovan made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Sheraleen Conder (later Sheraleen Mulvaney, then Sheraleen Donovan)

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Short stature, thin build, pale skin, vivid green eyes, long dark brown hair.  For practical tasks she wears a tunic and leggings.  In her capacity as Vyagei, she wears the midnight-blue silk robes.

Personality: Quiet, introverted and contemplative.  Kind, nurturing and resourceful.

Family: The Conder clan, one of the traditional nomadic warrior clans.  Father George Conder, Mother Dolores Conder, Aunt Bodah Conder, Sister Melanie Conder.  Disastrous first marriage to ex-Cyad soldier Otis Mulvaney.  Later on in life she married Sean Donovan.

Abilities: Vyagei with the ability for prophetic visions.  Skilled in most sorcery disciplines.  Also has a symbiotic relationship with her Vjeladiyaan crystal serpent and can take serpentine form, becoming an actual serpent, not merely shape-shifting into one.

Strengths: Strong sorcery skills, good at reading people, good leadership qualities.

Weaknesses: Suffers from seizures brought on by her prophetic visions, has a tendency to become melancholy.  Not physically strong.

Likes: Teaching her students, meditation, flying and walks along the beach.

Dislikes: The Cyad Confederacy, violence, intolerance, prejudice and bullying.


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