Character Profile: Darien Shanahan

Image of younger Darien Shanahan in fashionable attire made using Tengr AI image generator
Image of younger Darien Shanahan in business attire made using NightCafe AI image generator

Image of older Darien Shanahan made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Darien Shanahan (formerly Batalan)

Origin: Half-Yttrian (with secret Carpathian heritage), Half-Virian

Appearance: Short stature, medium build, pale skin, long dark brown hair, reddish-brown eyes.  For work she wears business suits and judicial robes.  At leisure she prefers flannel shirts and jeans.

Personality: Intense, sensitive, nurturing and fair-minded.  Open and friendly, but guarded around strangers.

Family: Father Malachi Domingo Batalan (birth name: Malchio Domingo Vatalo, but he changed it to cover up his Carpathian origins), Mother Malawi Rashannah Redigan (later Batalan).  Later Darien married Levene Shanahan.  They had three children: Rayleen, Malachi and Devonia.  Of those, only Malachi survived into adulthood.

Abilities: Meticulous researcher, in-depth knowledge of law and politics, good at reading people.

Strengths: Keen defender of the oppressed, good leadership qualities.

Weaknesses: Can be over-protective at times.  Extremely sensitive about her family’s tragic history.  Has a tendency to over-compensate for her privileged upbringing.

Likes: Looking after her family, running her law firm, representing oppressed minority groups, redressing injustices and helping the poor.  Fond of high-performance vehicles.

Dislikes: Family secrets, the Cyad Confederacy and other oppressive regimes, often feels guilt about her privileged upbringing.



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