Cyad Confederacy

The Cyad Confederacy is a totalitarian regime based on Communist principles.  It originated on Mondias, after growing discontent about the unfair distribution of wealth and the lack of any cohesive system of government.

Like many such regimes, it began with good intentions, promoting equality and encouraging the building of communities in which all citizens could participate.  Not everyone embraced the new regime and those who opposed it were soon demonised by the rest of the population.  This led to censorship and indoctrination, whereby radical thought was curtailed and offenders were sent to be “reconditioned” in institutions known as correctional schools.

Much of the original Mondian culture was outlawed, including most forms of education and entertainment.  Following the creation and introduction of the People’s Language, most of the native Mondian dialects were declared obsolete.

Committees were appointed to deal with all aspects of Mondian life.  As the austere government system developed, it exerted greater control over all ordinary citizens, dictating every aspect of their lives.

The nominal leader of the Cyad is known as the Dvor.  Some Dvors will groom their successors and enter their names on public record.  In cases where a Dvor dies without naming a successor, a new Dvor is chosen by consensus of the Central Committee.
Some Dvors appoint a group of their most trusted advisors, known as Comtvarazhniks.  These appointments are entirely discretionary on the part of the Dvor.  They may appoint as few or as many as they choose.
In an attempt to gain the advantage over other civilisations, Cyad scientists and engineers appropriated technology and ideas from pioneering Losinthan and Malvanian academic enclaves.

This led to the construction of the Cyad Command Grid.  All Cyad citizens receive cybernetic brain implants shortly after birth.  These implants link them to the Grid and provide instructions for them to carry out.  Short periods of downtime are permitted but even then, monitoring equipment installed in homes and public places allows the committees to track every citizen’s movements and activities.

Population growth is subject to stringent controls.  Procreation is carried out in laboratories using random samples taken from sperm and egg banks.  Couples have to petition a committee for permission to marry and have children.  Again, samples are taken from them and the child is grown in a laboratory.  Genetic engineering is used to create children with specific qualities for specific purposes.

Most children never get to meet their parents.  They are raised in state orphanages and educated in state schools.  Careers are selected for them according to their genetic programming and what the committees dictate.

All Cyad citizens wear uniforms in educational establishments and workplaces.  Leisure clothing is utilitarian and differs little from the uniforms.  The length of hair is regulated too buzz-cuts for military personnel and no longer than collar length for everyone else.

Cyad Command Structure:

  • Dvor
  • High Councillors (includes those known as the Central Committee)
  • Councillors
  • Commanders
  • Sub-Commanders
  • Marshals
  • Wardens
  • Struards (divided into guards and soldiers)

Civilians are known as Citizens.



  1. Oh, they're always looking to expand their territory. That's their nature. At some point, I intend writing a novel from the POV of a high-ranking Cyad officer, a view from the other side of the fence.


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