Character Profile: Odo Babaloney

Image of older Odo Babaloney made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of younger Odo Babaloney made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Aldoux Theodore Babaloney (first name pronounced Odo and later spelled that way)

Origin: Half-Virian, half-Carpathian

Appearance: Tall and thin, with pale skin and pale grey eyes.  Long white hair and beard.  Prefers to dress in plain grey robes and only wears midnight-blue robes on special occasions.

Personality: Gentle and patient.  Possesses great knowledge and wisdom.  He has a tendency to be over-protective and often withholds knowledge, especially concerning prophecies.  Although he can be friendly, he leads a reclusive lifestyle.

Family: Father Theos Babaloney, Mother Grazyna Curanda Montessori.  First marriage was to Lady Jeneen Oscarini, from a Carpathian family who had relocated to Viria.  His second marriage was to Valdis Svenova Lutomer, a former Cyad operative.  They had one daughter, Sheraleen, who died in childhood.

Abilities: One of the rare male Vyageii with the ability for prophetic visions.  A strong sorcerer and expert healer.

Strengths: Extensive knowledge of sorcery skills, specialising in the healing arts, crystal theory and alchemy.

Weaknesses: Can be a ditherer at times.  Often goes off on tangents during conversations and lessons.  Can seem distant and unapproachable to those who don’t know him well.

Likes: Teaching students, working in his apothecaire shop, meditating and conducting experiments.

Dislikes: Bullying, injustice and intolerance.  Considers his gift of prophecy to be a curse.


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