Silent Order of Thieves

This loose conglomeration of thieves and confidence tricksters originated on Malvania, in the border cities.  The earliest chapters of the Order came together to help each other evade the Law Authorities and continue their dubious activities unmolested.  They began by sharing information on the duties and movements of Law Enforcement Officers and broadened their remit to protect vulnerable young thieves and teach them how to improve their larcenous skills.

The nominal head of the Order is known only by the title Condotyr, an ancient High Malvanian term meaning leader.  There is little in the way of actual organisational structure.  The Condotyr gives his or her favourites the title Istvangyr, an ancient High Malvanian term meaning enforcer.  Most of them are like schoolyard or parade ground bullies, issuing orders and taking a percentage of what the ordinary members earn from plying their dubious trades.

The ordinary thieves are known as street-scuffers, because they are mainly recruited from among the homeless population.  Some of them come from orphanages.  Older, more experienced thieves train them and teach them to evade Law Enforcement Officers.  They have to report to the Istvangyrs at regular intervals to hand over the required percentage of their takings.  Failure to do so can result in them being punished by the Istvangyrs.  The severity of the punishment depends on the personality and prevailing mood of whichever Istvangyr is doing the punishing.  If they are lucky, they could get away with a simple verbal reprimand or confiscation of their entire earnings, but the more bullying Istvangyrs will dish out severe beatings.

The majority of members identify themselves by nicknames.  Often these nicknames are bestowed upon them by the recruiting Istvangyrs.  Many of the nicknames are demeaning, such as Worm, Toad, Fungus, etc, to remind the street-scuffers of their lowly status.

The Silent Order has a fast turnover of members.  Many of the younger members become disenchanted and go solo once they have learned sufficient thieving skills to earn a basic living.  Some tire of the constant bullying from the worst of the Istvangyrs.  Others get caught and imprisoned by the Law Authorities.

As the Silent Order’s influence grew, other chapters were started up outside the border cities.  Due to their Carpathian connections, they also have chapters on mainland Varathusia.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan