Order of Ledni

In some dialects, the Goddess of Fire is known as Ledina.  The Order of Ledni is a small one in comparison with most of the other sorcerous and religious orders.

The Goddess of Fire is often symbolised by images of a flaming figure emerging from the crater of a volcano.  Volcanoes are considered places of holy pilgrimage by members of this Order.

The earliest Temples were built close to volcanoes and lava caverns to facilitate regular pilgrimages.  Later Temples were constructed with sorcerous portals linking to the older Temples, so that all adherents of Ledni could have easy access to the volcanoes and lava caverns for their worship rituals.

Adherents of Ledni wear scarlet and yellow silk robes.  While they learn all aspects of sorcery, the main focus is on fire sorcery, including conjuring and controlling mage-fire and also manipulating ordinary fire.  Advanced fire-mages don’t get burned by fire and they can also transform themselves into living fire. 

They are an isolationist order and mostly remain inside their Temples, only venturing outside for their regular volcano pilgrimages.  They refrain from any involvement in outside issues and stay neutral in any conflicts.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan