Order of Minestria

Dedicated to the worship of Minestria, Goddess of Sorcery, this is one of the oldest religious orders. Its temples can be found all over the Fenian Galaxy.

Members have their hair cropped short and a spiral shaved into it. Like many religious and sorcerous orders, they wear black silk robes. They live an abstemious lifestyle and spend much of their time in meditation, prayer and sorcery practice.

The mandate of this Order is to uphold the principles of the Minestrian Code and educate adepts in the responsible use of sorcery. They also investigate any reported instances of misuse of sorcery. In the case of minor offenders, High Priests and Priestesses of Minestria have the authority to apply penalties and restrictions. The Goddess herself deals with more serious breaches of her Code


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan