Order of Malvanis

Adherents of Malvanis, God of Knowledge, aspire to seek out and acquire knowledge of everything within the Fenian Galaxy and in some cases, they extend their searches beyond the known territories.  They are also charged with the sacred duty of recording and preserving the information which they discover.

Malvanis rarely manifests in any visible or physical form.  Artistic renderings depict him as an elderly professorial librarian with long white hair and beard, often holding a book or hovering near bookshelves.

In bygone times, all members were required to have a tonsure, but in the modern era, some High Priests and Priestesses take a more relaxed attitude towards hairstyles.  It is quite common for adherents to wear a less severe variant, whereby their hair is kept shorter on top and left to grow longer at the sides and back.  They wear black silk robes, live an abstemious lifestyle and conduct copious research alongside their prayers and other devotional rituals.

Unlike some of the older religious orders, they embrace and encourage the use of technology.  Adherents learn the use of computers and other gadgets alongside the traditional methods of keeping records, such as books and scrolls.

On finishing their training, priests and priestesses can choose either to be assigned to a specific Temple, or to travel and gather knowledge outside the confines of the Temple.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan